A grand purpose of prayer is to bring one into the Spirit–as taught in Romans 8 and Galatians 5– i.e. into a conscious abiding in Jesus, John 15. A God-centered view of life comes and stays only to the praying heart.
Living amid “Christian” supports and props is a cheap substitute for prayer. The harsh realities of secular antagonism and opposition keep piercing our insulation. When evil things are encountered, experienced or even swallowed it grows harder to look spiritual.
Apart from sheer unrealism a Christian ultimately either gives up his peace or else flies to the Lord and remains there through regular devotion in prayer and Bible reading.
Prayer has everything to do with one’s overall outlook on life, with one’s quality of daily ministry and with one’s personal holiness and sense of well-being.
The lord God is always there—“hidden” to some appropriate degree and to be found by our daily search using Scripture and sustained prayer. Note Isaiah 8:17 and stand knocking at God’s gate.