“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” That is the key sentence from our text, Matthew 19:4-6.
The human race is sustained through marriage. Marriage is the general rule for all men. No one should seek to avoid it and remain single unless they are specially led by God to do so. Being single is a matter of calling. Some have that calling. Most do not.
The Christian concept of marriage shines forth from our text. Few couples fully grasp the rich blessings God plans for them. May this study help!
Upon entering a home you hear music and inquire, Who is the musician? Or you see evidence here and there of other skills and ask, Who is the artist? The carpenter?
Upon seeing a good marriage, we should ask, Who performed this wedding? Not the local pastor! “God has joined together” these two, says our text.
Go back to Eden and witness the first wedding. Let us picture Eve as she is brought to Adam.
Now, the bride needs a Father or relative to give her away in the ceremony. But Eve has no earthly parent or relative. Here is a beautiful thought: As she approaches the man Adam, she walks on the arm of God. Genesis 2:22 says that He “brought her to the man.”
So it is with every legitimate marriage. God authors it. He brings them together. The implications of this are many and deep.
Young people, marriage is not merely “your thing” to do. God is involved. Seek His will; don’t twist and force your own way. He has one prepared for you. Fellows, look only toward that girl you are certain comes from the very arm of God to you! Girls, take no man to whom God will not present you with His blessing.
You who have already gone a way in marriage, remember who is the author of each true union. Turn to God for wisdom, comfort, help. He deeply cares about each marriage. If needed, do not hesitate to seek counsel from your pastor.
The Fusion of Two in Union – Matthew 19:6 says they are “joined together.” The welder fuses two pieces of metal of the same type, but here God is joining male and female. And, modern movements not withstanding, there is a difference between the two!
However, God clearly states in Genesis 2:18 that man and woman are made for each other:
“It is not good for man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for (or, corresponding to) him.”-NASB. In preparation for this fusion, all foreign elements must be removed. Indeed, the encasement of each one’s past home must be removed, Matthew 19:5.
How doubly deep is the Spirit’s work, if both are believers in Christ. No union is so close and meaningful as when couples are united in Christ. It is beyond even that of parent and child, for they are said to become ONE – a very part of one another, Ephesians 5. Read it carefully.
The Functioning of Two in Union — Each has their own role. At this very point enters the devil to ruin the fine balance God plans.
Many a strong man, brave enough to face a night burgler, is weak and feminine when it comes to taking initiative in solving family problems. Masculinity is not a matter of muscles but strength of leadership in financial stress, problems with the children, or caring for the spiritual lives of both wife and child. Are you a man?
Women, too, are commonly failing. Some keep at home as the Scripture orders but are slothful and disorganized. Others are busily working outside the home. During the past decade women filled nearly two-thirds of all the new jobs available. The exodus from the home is staggering. Pay day will come, for God says wives and mothers are to be “keepers at home.” Once a wife’s heart has grown restless and driven to the outside for fulfillment, the fine balance between the husband-wife roles is upset and the union is subtlely, but deeply, affected. Thank God for those full-time wives and mothers!
“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate,” Matthew 19:6. This union is to be protected from anything that would divide or separate. The wedding is forever –“until death do us part.” Divorce and remarriage is adultery, as Jesus goes on to show in our text chapter.
Check over the wedges that might be dividing or unsettling your marriage. Remember that each hurt is right at the point of fusion – right where God worked. He performs each legitimate marriage. Anytime man troubles his marriage, he is bucking God. How serious it is then to strain apart, or go separate ways. Men, get the message from Ephesians 5:28 and I Peter 3:7.
Now, when our text says man must not divide this union, there is the implication that God can, and He does – at death. What a wrenching that is! How different our differences will be then! Picture the scene – you standing by your partner’s casket. Now, keep that picture before you when you have your next argument!
Better yet, go to your partner and in the light of these truths, be reconciled – fully and deeply reconciled. The two of you pray to the God who joins together, asking Him to remake your union. He will.