All of us need all of the Bible.

The Old Testament helps us to understand New Testament Christianity. Both sections of the Bible speak of promises, an inheritance, action and warfare, glory, excitement. Of course, the Old records the conquering of an earthly land, while the New shows how this illustrates the inner, spiritual conquest we must make as believers.

Our text is Deuteronomy 1 where the elderly Moses is instructing the new generation from the sins of their parents. Your parents, he points out, spied out the promised land and then refused to enter it because it was strongly fortified. They lost sight of God’s power and sank in the deadly sin of unbelief!

This very event is tied to today by Hebrews 3 and 4. In that book the diagnosis is that “they were not able to enter, (the promised land of Palestine) because of unbelief.” Hebrews 3:19. Now look back at verse 12 and 13, “See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.  But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

Moses reminds the people of their tragic mistake in not believing the spies when they reported: “It is a good land that the Lord our God is giving us.” Deuteronomy 1:25. Is it not so with us, too? Are there no promises for us to obtain? Such as restful assurance that the past is forgiven, peace, help for daily burdens, hope for eternity. This faith means relying on the unseen but vast resources of our God.

Study verse 6 and 8 as God seeks to stir the people to move ahead – on the basis of His long-standing promises. “You have stayed long enough at this mountain.” Is this true of you? Have you been a long time in a troubled, weakened state spiritually? Is it not time to move ahead?

Unbelief is a deadly sin.  Fortunately, it can be spotted.  Notice the evidences of this sin as our text brings them out. Check your life for these tell-tale marks of this fatal evil.


The kidnapper leaps from the darkened alley-way upon the frightened girl. She is dragged kicking and screaming into a way she does not want to go. Many seem to feel God is like the kidnapper and is up to no good with them. They react against Him and must be dragged against their will.

“It is a good land that the Lord our God is giving us.  But you were unwilling to go up; you rebelled against the command of the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 1:25-26.

How many today fight God by resisting parents, school authority! Perhaps some are rebellious toward the rights and place of their spouse. Has not God so ordered it? To resist God is to refuse the Good Land.


“You grumbled” – the next words of our text. This is most certain to turn up in any life wherein is the root of unbelief, the deadly sin. Such complaints may be directed against others but eventually they cut at God and His providential rule.

Prayerfully read over Ranans 8:28. Truly, do you believe that? Then why the complaining?


Another evidence of the deadly sin of unbelief is seen in verse 28, “Our brothers have made our hearts melt in fear.” Hearing the report of the mighty warriors and fortifications which protected Canaan, the Hebrews sank in weakness. “We could never conquer them!” they cried.

Certainly discouragement is the walkway to unbelief. Read Revelation 12:10 where Satan is said to be the Christian’s great accuser. Frequently, I meet discouraged Christians who are buckling under his assault. They begin to agree with the devil’s charges against them. “I am so weak, so full of sin, so unworthy, so certain to fall again….I can’t do that….in fact, I can’t seem to do anything right.”

Look at the verse which follows. See how God’s faithful ones overcome Satan by claiming the offered blood of Christ, which covers all their sin, and then by “the word of their testimony.” We must testify to God’s gracious work on our behalf, not to our own weakness. Call any unbelief by its right name. It is a deadly sin and discouragement is evidence of its beginning.

Allow all constructive criticism, but beware of those who tear you to pieces. Above all, do not tear yourself to pieces! Take failure and sin to God in confidence that Jesus Christ suffered for all our sins.


See the next words of advice in our text, verse 29. “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them.” Perhaps some here dread going to work or school tomorrow. There are people you are unable to face and measure up to. Embarrassing as it is, you must admit that you have fear and dread of them. This dread comes when you look ahead without seeing God in the picture.

Hear the text, “The Lord your God….is going before you.” What a different picture! What sweet relief to rely on God’s unseen but ever faithful presence. “He will fight for you!” Not just psychological relief but definite help in the situation as He sees best.


Verse 30 assures Israel that God, in the present need, may be expected to  “fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes.” What a record of faithfulness God has established! Never once failing! Thus, faith looks into the past and turns with renewed life toward the future.

Naturally, Satan wants to break this up. He wants you to forget, overlook. A key word for the entire book of Deuteronomy is remember. God reminds how He lifted them out of slavery, (30) how He carried them through the wilderness “as a father carries his son,” (31) going ahead of them by day and by night, (33) “In spite of this, you did not trust in the Lord your God.” (32)

Unbelief – what a sin! In a single swipe it removes all that the Lord Jesus Christ has been to us through years of experience. It hides what He is now and what blessings He waits to share.

What is the antidote? A new look at God’s power and promises is what is needed. Look at 1:39. The little children that the unbelieving Israelites feared for are now grown and are the very ones being prepared to go in and possess the land. Blind unbelief is always mistaken! God is, after all, always right! See also Deuteronomy 2:7.

If God is warning you about possible roots of this terrible sin of unbelief, I suggest you take a solid Scripture like Romans 8:28-39. Get alone with your Bible open there. Place it open before you on a chair, the bed, or a box in the basement. Kneel down and prayerfully go over it. Have a showdown with God. Repent of unbelief and thank Him for each blessing mentioned there. They are all true!