One of Christianity’s golden words is OBEDIENCE. But it is not popular to insist upon obeying the law of God.
Remember the law of God is actually the will of God. It shows us what things are right in God’s sight. I am not talking here of any rules of ritual but the basic moral law. We must obey that.
Our big problem today is not law-breaking but hypocrisy. It is difficult to get men to see that they are hiding their law-breaking. Many who do not earnestly make the will of God the rule of their decisions and daily lives at the same time claim, “I keep the commandments.” That is hypocrisy.
Others turn the grace of God into lawlessness. Feeling that they trust Christ as Savior, they do not feel that they must completely bow to the will of God. But any Christian who avoids Gethsemane’s surrender (“Not my will, but thine be done”) is playing the hypocrite.
Like the Pharisees and scribes in our text (Matthew 15), people today have various coverings for their sins. Read carefully the first part of this chapter.
I honestly believe that the large number of practical, every-day decisions that are made contrary to the will of God, point to one of the great deterrents of revival — disobedience.
A Christian MUST obey God. Study the following facts:
Do we really put God’s laws above our ways and traditions? That is the big question. The Pharisees and scribes reversed the order.
Apparently they were evading the commandment to honor and care for parents by allowing men to vow that their goods were dedicated instead to God. Jesus stung them with the question, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? For God commanded….But you say….”
Oh, how many carry the torch (or, club!) for some traditional or “better” way in their religion but care not for the will of God in their lives! Men who lie, covet and live in immorality argue for their religious viewpoint!
Read again the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. Do you truly put God first as commanded here? Do you ever use the Lord’s name lightly or in cursing? If so, you are guilty! Read it there in Exodus 20:7.
Do you forget to observe the Lord’s Day? Do you hate anyone? Do you covet? Do you lust, or commit adultery in the heart? Do you break these laws in your conversation, using immoral or vain or bitter words? (THIS IS THE TYPE INTERPRETATION JESUS PLACED UPON THE LAW OF GOD.)
Further, the lawless one — the sinner — will invariably “strain at gnats and swallow camels.” The Pharisees were more concerned with their ceremonial hand-washings than with the conditions of their lives before Almighty God.
“The commandment of God is plain” said Jesus in effect, “and it is backed by the death penalty. ” Yet, they were so easily setting it aside!
See the modern examples of the same! Here is a man who says, “I follow Jesus and obey the commandments.” But he doesn’t go to church — which is specifically commanded in the Bible. (A sort of pick-and-choose obedience to the laws of God).
Some young people avoid the “dance joints” but allow the parked car. Some men who wouldn’t swear will tell immoral stories. Some who wouldn’t do the latter, gossip. Young people who say they are obedient to God rebel against their parents whom God commands them to obey. (A kind of sanctified cantankerousness!)
Then there are so many like Saul who claim a holy motive for their unholy act. “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice!” cried Samuel. What satire to say to God, “I’m too busy doing good to obey you, Lord.” You can’t cut corners on honesty and do evil that good may come of it.
I read of a ballpoint pen company that loses thousands of dollars per year as the employees politely take home “samples” for themselves. Does any reader steal from his employer?
“If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me? says the Lord Almighty,” Malachi 1:6. “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7:21,22).
Until the day of judgment all God’s commandments are always to be obeyed.
God’s revelation of the law shows His heart. Man’s reaction to the law shows man’s heart.
What we do with the will of God is what we do with God. Lawlessness shows anything but love. We put the one first whom we love most. Read in the text verses 8, 9. It is vain for one who disobeys or neglects God to try to worship God.
“This is love for God: to keep his commands,” ordered Jesus. “And his commands are not burdensome,” promised John. Why is it then that the way of God seems so uninviting? Why is praying so hollow an exercise? “Why is the Word of God so difficult to get into our hearts? It is not that the Bible is hard so much as it is that our hearts are hard. The Truth of Scripture is sharp and lively. The heart is deadened and crusted over by long-standing sins.
The holy God of heaven and earth is offended. He cries, “In vain they do worship me!”
If there is one awakened by this word of warning, perhaps they ask, “What must I then do?” First, you must make things right with man before you approach God. Pay back that which you have stolen, or confess that you have taken wrongful advantage of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. And that very sacrifice you have use to calm your aroused conscience so as to continue in sin. Confess hypocrisy in covering and forgetting sin and evading the will of God. Then make full confession of the commandments which you have broken by deed, word, thought and neglect.
Remember Jesus Christ died for your sins and lives now in heaven to save and keep you. When He enters your life, you will find God’s power within enabling you to live a life pleasing unto Him. Read Hebrews 10:12-17.