Are you and your family ready for those happenings which are surely coming in the world?
Jesus warned that as the end of time nears, most men will be caught unprepared.
The reason? They will be too busy with the sins and concerns of this life.
Satan is masterminding a deceptive plot to topple the world into hell. An important aspect of this evil plan is to strike at family life.
The nation goes as the home goes. So the church goes as its homes go. Individuals, too, go as their homes go.
Turn to 2 Timothy 3. Here is a look into the future.
“There will be terrible times in the last days.” It seems as though such days are now upon us! There are three terms that describe the days which seem so close upon us all. Notice how these fit the text:
1. Rebellion. Read verses 2 through 7. There is to be a general increase in wickedness and a spreading resistance against all that is right. Decent restraints and normal duties will irritate the rebellious hearts. Wholesomeness and godliness will be cast off as an old coat.
2. Persecution. Read verses 10-12. Here the Apostle Paul reminds his young partner Timothy of the persecutions he had endured, 11. It had all happened right in Timothy’s home area so he knew of the horrible stoning and escape from death Paul experienced. (Refer to Acts 14 and 16.)
Then the jolt comes: “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,” 12. If our children live as we wish them to and as God demands, they will need to be prepared for certain difficulty.
Notice that Paul was confident he had set a good example of patient endurance before Timothy, 10. In the next chapter we learn that the apostle is now facing martyrdom in Rome, and he begs his young helper to come and stand with him.
This is Paul’s final letter and he is using it to prepare Timothy, you and me, and our children for what is to come in the world.
A look at Hebrews 13:23 will show that Timothy himself had to face imprisonment.
3. Deception. Maybe more to be dreaded than the world on fire is that which is mentioned in verse 13. “while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” Satan will see to it that our young people are offered easier, more exciting, logical, even religious, alternatives to the narrow, hard way of Christ.
Are our children ready for all this? As false notions (“things taught by demons” I Timothy 4:1) take hold on the world, will they know the truth well enough to stand?
We ought to prepare our families just as Timothy was prepared. Study carefully 14-17.
Here Paul orders Timothy to face future onslaughts by keeping in the old ways he had learned at home, 14. “continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it.” Especially, he refers to his home teaching. “from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures,” 15.
Paul is, in effect saying, “Timothy, as the landmarks are toppling all about you, keep dead ahead. Keep to the ways of the Scripture. You were taught this from childhood.” Indeed, 1:5 shows that this faith had ben passed down, even from his grandparent. That is the way it ought to be. Parents are inevitable bitterly disappointed if they leave all the Bible teaching of their children to the church and fail to have daily Bible study in the home.
Our home devotions must be vital enough to withstand the rebellion, persecution and deception arising from the world around.
Now, see the great power of God’s word in verse 16. It is inspired of God. His very life is in it, and it is indeed powerful enough to change the lives of our children. Thus, each one shall be completely equipped for whatever comes, 17. Ready for any eventuality! Wonderful!
How do you get started?
Parents, begin your own family Bible study and worship this very week. You will see that by covering a few verses each day, you will soon cover the entire Bible.
Remember, also that special help is given parents by many churches so they can more adequately lead their home worship and study.
In addition, we have prepared a practical paper for parents, Steps Toward Meaningful Family Worship, available by clicking here.
Young people whose parents are disinterested should make a quiet, kind approach to Mother and Dad, asking for a time of family worship – perhaps right after the evening meal. If you are refused, go it alone — and God bless you!