Why I Come To The Communion Table

Now when the even was come he sat down with the twelve. And as they were eating Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.  And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it.

I come not because I am worthy, but because I have sinned and fallen short of what, by God’s help, I might have been.

I come, not that there is any magic in partaking of the symbols of Christ’s body and blood, but because the Lord’s Supper is a memorial to Him.

I come, because here is portrayed the sacrifice of my Lord who gave Himself for me.

I come, because here I have the opportunity to acknowledge my unworthiness and to make a new start.

I come, because I find myself drawn closer to God, to the Christ of Calvary, and to those who kneel with me in communion.  Yes, I am made to feel my kinship to all men everywhere who claim my Christ as Savior.

I come, because I rise from the Lord’s table with new strength, courage, and power, to live for Him who died for me.