






Thirty pieces of silver
For the Lord of life they gave:
Thirty pieces of silver–
Only the price of a slave!

But it was the priestly value
Of the Holy One of God;
They weighed it out in the temple,
The price of the Savior’s blood.

Thirty pieces of silver
Laid in Iscariot’s hand;
Thirty pieces of silver
And the aid of an armed band,

Like a lamb that is led to the slaughter
Brought the humbled Son of God
At midnight from the garden,
Where His sweat had been like blood.

Thirty pieces of silver
Burns on the traitor’s brain;
Thirty pieces of silver!
O it is hellish gain!

“I have sinned and betrayed the guiltless!”
He cried, with a fevered breath;
he cast them down in the temple,
And rushed to a madman’s death.

Thirty pieces of silver
Lay in the House of God:
Thirty pieces of silver
But O ’twas the price of blood!

And so for a place to bury
The strangers in they gave
The price of their own Messiah,
Who lay in a borrowed grave.

It may not be for silver,
It may not be for gold,
But still by tens of thousands
Is this precious Savior sold,

Sold for a godless friendship,
Sold for a selfish aim,
Sold for a fleeting trifle,
Sold for an empty name,

Sold in the mart of Science,
Sold in the seat of Power,
Sold at the shrine of Fortune,
Sold in Pleasure’s bower,

Sold where the awful bargain
None but God’s eye can see!
Ponder, my soul the question:
Shall He be sold by thee?

Sold! 0 God, what a moment!
Stifled is conscience’ voice!
Sold! And a weeping angel
Records the fatal choice!

Sold! But the price of the Savior
To a living coal shall turn,
With the pangs of Remorse for ever
Deep in the soul to burn.

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