THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE LORD JESUS CHRIST are inextricably linked together in Scripture. For example, see John 7:37-39. Here Jesus tells us that He is the Giver of the Spirit to all who come to Him.

So many flounder here in either of two extremes: 1) Ignoring Christ our Mediator and striving endlessly for an experience with the Spirit, or 2) Ignoring the Spirit and struggling on for something special and deeper. Both are very wrong!

Still further, Jesus invites, “Come to me,” and His promise is assured to “whoever believes in me.” Don’t fail to notice that all this is directed to those who are thirsty. “Let him come to me and drink.”

“You here again?” whispers Satan. And our weak faith cringes in agreement. Again, hear Jesus, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.” Our very emptiness and need must press us to Jesus in believing prayer. With his blood offering on the cross to cleanse us and his kind invitation to assure us, we come for our needed filling.

And what is this thirst-quenching, need-meeting drink? “By this he meant the Holy Spirit,” 39.
Finally, grasp the magnitude of what is promised in verse 38. Not only is our thirst (need) met, but we are so supplied that from within us comes an overflow to others who stand in need. Good friend, may your deepest needs bring you into renewed trust in Jesus and a courage to reach out to needy ones around you.