The Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 3:10 that one of his great life-aims is to know Christ and the power of His resurrection.

“That I may know Him and the power of’ His resurrection,” is Paul’s longing.

Here is the world’s greatest power — the power of His resurrection. And, this very power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to lift and change our lives, see Ephesians 2:19,20.

What a shame that so many do not know God’s mighty resurrection power in their lives. Just imagine a man so simple that he keeps stumbling every day over a large rock just outside his doorstep. Now, picture the rock as too heavy for him to lift, so he has foolishly decided that since he can not move it, nothing can be done. Every day he walks around or falls over it.

Many are like that in their spiritual lives. They rise no higher than they can lift themselves. Sins, problems and burdens bear down on them, but they just learn to live that way never dreaming that power is available to change it all!

Now suppose the simple fellow just mentioned one day happens near some large-scale excavating job. Hearing the noise, he peeks through a knot hole in the construction fence and sees there a great yawning pit full of naked rock — huge boulders. And look at the shovels, derricks, trucks moving the stone! Suddenly, from the far end — a heavy blast! ….and great strata of rock break up before his eyes. Why, it can be done! There is a way to move that rock!

Friend, there is a way for you to have a new life. Do not live without knowing, actually experiencing, the power of God in your life. On every hand God is lifting life-ruining boulders of sin from hearts. In great power, He is blasting the stronghold of Satan. Things impossible to man, God is doing every day.

My prayer today is that some hearing this message will have stumbled for the last time on rocks or doubt and sin, and that God will let you peep through, to see what He has been doing all along.  GOD RAISED CHRIST FROM THE DEAD AND HE CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

Notice our text implies knowledge. You have to know something in order to believe. God doesn’t cut off your head when He calls you to believe. The truth in Christ will satisfy both heart and mind.

Centuries ago men stood on the seashores and questioned what was beyond the spance of water. Many reasoned, “There is nothing beyond — just more water, and then it drops off into space.” Some ventured out and never returned. But Columbus and others made the all-important return trip.

Today some stand staring out into eternity as loved ones loose the moorings of life and travel into the mists beyond. Where have they gone? What is beyond?

Thank God, one has returned from death! Jesus Christ. He came in flesh into our world — though He was the Son of God. As a man He died. He arose as our guarantee of God’s power over death.

An acid test of your philosophy of life is DEATH. Suppose for a moment a friend of yours lies desperately ill, facing death in the next few moments. Stand at his bed side. What have you to say?

Listen while a brilliant atheist labors to say something helpful. “Well, John, I…uh…Well, buck up, friend, it’s almost over — the suffering, I mean.”

The sick man answers, “Yes, but beyond — out there — what?”

“Well, John I’ve read my books all through, and no Ph.D. has run a test on that yet.” You are just basic physical elements…or, I mean, we will remember you…That’s a kind of immortality. Your good deeds will live on.”

“Yes, but where will I be?” Now, contrast with that the quiet confident words of a dedicated Christian friend who stands by and offers God’s words: Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Christ died for our sins. He was raised for our justification. The hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall come forth. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

To the weak one, grasping for a straw, here is the Rock — a living Saviour. To the one sinking in affliction — to the one whose life is almost destroyed and is now trying to hang to the wreckage — here is the stately ship of safety:  CHRIST HAS BEEN RAISED.

Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near. Seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God. For our life is in heaven; from where also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body. — Believe all these words from Scripture!