Battles all done and the victory won …. it was a high and holy moment when the old leader stood to address his nation of Israel for the last time.

Joshua, aged 110 years, spoke in words that stir the very soul of men even today. Read Joshua 24:15 carefully. Pick out the words, “choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve… but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

With all their heart the people cry out, “Yes! We will serve the true God!”

Now, see that strange thing which happens. To make the solemn covenant sure, “Joshua recorded these things in the Book of the Law of God. Then he took a large stone and set it up there under the oak near the holy place of the Lord,” verse 26.

The oak marked the location and the stone stood for a perpetual witness “See!” he said to all the people. “This stone will be a witness against us. It has heard all the words the Lord has said to us. It will be a witness against you if you are untrue to your God,” verse 27. Long ago both the oak and the stone have passed into the dust of forgotten past, but–

As for the book you have it right there in your Bible — this very writing of Joshua!  “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away,” Matthew 24:35. How awfully solemn is our duty to study earnestly these very words this day or else they will at last face us in judgment.

Joshua’s main point is to call God’s people to a new, full dedication to the Lord. Surely, every believer needs this appeal. Those who are backslidden need it. And, so do those who feel they are successful spiritually. Let God’s Israel beware of settling down, leveling off! Each achieved goal is but a beginning of something new.

Let it be very clear that I am speaking of dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the Lord and Savior in the Old as well as the New Testament.  I Corinthians 10:4, 9 makes this clear.

Each Christian, then, should decide this day to consecrate himself fully to Jesus Christ because of  because of three truths about Him, set forth in our text. As we ponder them may you “choose this day!”


It is sad when a married couple levels off in their love for each other. Love has to grow. It never holds its own. But Israel was tending toward tragic deadness with God. Thus, Joshua cries out, Does “it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord?” Make the choice and show it!

Now, our God is an all-out God. See this in 23:1-5. Palestine was now totally in the grasp of the Hebrews. All that remained was their commitment to the task of quelling the isolated strongholds of the enemy within their borders. Therefore the challenge of verse 6.

Prayerfully study 23:7-13, noticing: “But if you turn away and ally yourselves with the survivors of these nations that remain among you and if you intermarry with them and associate with them, 13 then you may be sure that the Lord your God will no longer drive out these nations before you. Instead, they will become snares and traps for you, whips on your backs and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from this good land, which the Lord your God has given you,” verse 13.

How desperately deadly is a “holding operation”! It always leads downward and topples us under the judgment of God.

Yet, many argue, “I know I’m not going all the way into sin.” Others have hung on for years in the state of spiritual limpness. Friend, no hunger, no fullness. See Matthew 5:7 and make your choice this day. God will not walk with those who walk in darkness.


The words of verse 14 seem almost as if they came from the old military captain’s bed of death, “Now I am about to go the way of all the earth,” 23:14. All walk this way. Are you prepared? No relative or friend can walk it with you — except for Christ. Is He yours? Psalm 23:4.

Was Joshua calm and confident in this his greatest test? Yes, and he says why: “You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed.” What a testimony for one 110 years of age!

I recall an elderly man of 85 years facing death in the torment of fear. Lights must be constantly on and he dared not be left alone. I happened to be preaching in the little Maine town where he lived. The family asked me to visit and try to help. Though very weak, he literally drank in the good news about Christ dying to save sinners. He knew he qualified because of a life of neglecting God. Bending near to him I at last said, “I know you aren’t up to talking but if you do understand and truly choose Christ as your Lord and Savior will you take my hand?” Immediately his arm moved and he reached out and clasped my hand with surprising strength. What a prayer we had together! All the family testified as to the change they saw in him — a new quiet and peace.

At the last that man found what Joshua had known all along, Christ is trustworthy. His words fail not. And, consider how great things he has promised. At last a heaven without tears, pain or sin. Praise God! See Psalm 16:11 and 17:15.


There simply is no avoiding the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Great Cornerstone. Our lives are to be so founded on Him that He has prominence. If not, He becomes a Stone of Stumbling. Those who are offended and fall, gagging on the grand truths about Christ, then find Him to be the mighty Grindstone, grinding even to powder.

At times the Lord may seem absent from His world. Providence may appear hard and contradictory. However, the Father has “put all things in subjection under his feet,” though we may not always see it clearly, Hebrews 2:8,9; Ephesians 1:17-23.

Now, view all the struggles of Israel as seen through the eyes of Joshua’s mighty faith, 24:1-13.  He is quoting the Lord God. Count all the times “I” occurs. God over and again asserts.   “I did these things.” We see HISTORY is truly HIS STORY. It is grace all the way — the undeserved mercy of God.

Even Abraham is shown to have come from an idolatrous background. At last the trail of gracious providence led to the promised land of Canaan, “which the Lord your God has given you,” verse 13.

What is the worst thing that man ever did? Was it not when they killed Jesus? Yet, look there at the Place of the Skull. As the spear of man’s rebellion pierces that holy side, there flows out the blood of redemption. His death becomes our way of forgiveness. That is grace! Ought I not then hand over each key of my life to Him? Shall I trample under this blood sacrifice?

Directly, Joshua appeals to us, “Now therefore fear the Lord in uprightness. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,” the leader adds. Dads, is your home united in this? No matter who else may or may not go with me, I choose the Lord wholly, cries good Joshua.

Instantly, the people agree to do the same. But Joshua says, “You are not able to serve the Lord. He is a holy God; he is a jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins,” 19. Let that rock you for a moment!

What he means is that none can lightly say, I wholly yield myself to the Lord. Count the cost, you are dealing with the holy God. In holy jealousy, He refuses to play second fiddle to anyone else or anything else. Nor, will He tolerate sin. Unless there is a truly repentant heart, there is no forgiveness. Friend, go quickly to the cross of Christ and claim His blood offering for your own forgiveness.

“Now then,” said Joshua, “throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel,” 23. Perhaps you ask, How does this apply to me?  Where are my “strange gods”? It could be some person, a relationship to be put away. Maybe you have books and magazines which ought to be burned – wicked idols cherished in secret.

Sometimes idols are made and worshipped in the mind – in the “image-i-nation.” Images of lust or hate must go. The love of Jesus Christ the Lord must come in.

Allow the light of God to flood every area of your life: your home life, habits, attitudes toward others, your relationship with the church. “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”

Make your decision definite in prayer right now.