Looking at the ocean, you cannot see its mighty depths nor its breadth. But you know it’s there. There is more. We know so little of Jesus, but there is more.
Seeing and knowing Jesus is like viewing a distant mountain. When the fog lifts 1t is clear. May the Spirit remove the haze. In Jesus Christ dwells the fullness of God bodily. His death was for our sins. God-in-fesh, the hope of mankind!
Is it really clear to you that God is like the great Potter with the whole world in His hands? Sin mars the work, so He begins again. Now, Jesus 1s the beginning of the New Creation. He is the great First-born, Head of the new race of the redeemed. The Scriptures show how all along the eternal God has been teaching this plan to lost mankind.
Sin came in like an awful, inky-black flood drowning and staining God’s world. A raging fire that seared. An outburst of crime and rebellion that fired every heart to a wicked pulse. BUT IMMEDIATELY God spoke the promise to Adam that there would be a day when the seed (child) of the woman would crush Satan. There was to be a Deliverer, a Savior.
Men were instructed to offer blood sacrifices — all looking forward to the day when God’ s own Lamb would die on Calvary for our sins.
But what about Paradise? Will God yet come to us, or are we lost in this wide universe? Must we die without hope of ever seeing our Redeemer?
How miserable we are! Sin has put out the sun of life. The darkness of death is upon us. The full moon of health and happiness has turned into the blood of sickness and sorrow. Before us yawns the dark caverns of the grave — your grave and mine. Those gaping jaws have swallowed every generation.
God could not allow this! He long ago began placing stars of hope on the black horizon. I refer you to one especially — Abraham. Through this patriarch’s life, God flashes a ray of hope. Read it in our text, Galatians 3, which is referring to the original account in Genesis.
“All nations will be blessed through you,” (Galatians 3:8).
Now, study carefully our text verse 16. “The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say ‘and to seeds,’ meaning many people, but ‘and to your seed,’ meaning one person, who is Christ.”
Our hearts ought to leap upon this text in aroused faith.
The dawn brightens. The world is not cast away, forgotten by God. The one whose justice drove man from Paradise is the same one whose love will bring us back. The Father will have his children home again!
The “promises” spoken of in verse 16 is akin to the “blessing of Abraham” of verse 14. In the broadest statement of this, Romans 4:13 declares that Abraham “and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world.” God intends for us to understand that the population of heaven will somehow come through this family line.
Indeed, the advance assurance of this (called elsewhere the “earnest of our inheritance”) has already been given to men; namely, the Holy Spirit, verse 14.
Thus, all is not lost. The Heavenly Promiser has given the solemn promise that His chosen family shall yet have eternal rest and blessing.
To whom is the promise made? Study the text carefully. The emphasis is really on the seed, or offspring of Abraham. Quoting Genesis 12:7 in our text verse 16, the Apostle bases the all important point on a single letter of one word. The promise is not made to “seeds” but to “seed.” Just one offspring of the Hebrew line is to gather up all the riches of the promised blessings. That one is Jesus Christ, son of Abraham, Son of God. He is the seed that should come and to whom the promise was made, verse 19.
Apart from Christ, God has not promised us anything — except death forever, Romans 6:23. God’s promises are made to the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
Go directly to other verses such as 22 and 26 and you will then see how you may be included in the good promises –“by faith in Christ Jesus.” Thus it is that Jesus begins the New Creation. “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise,” verse 29.
Jesus is God’s beloved child, the Chosen One. Escape from the dying race, by believing into the Beloved. Though earth may claim our dust, the soul will rise to Jesus!
IN CONCLUSION, remember that this destiny of blessing is given as a covenant between the faithful God and His deserving Son. Your share is not earned. The blessing of eternal life and inheritance is extended to you by God’s grace when you accept Jesus Christ as your Family Head, Savior and Lord.