“Where are we headed?” is a question some churches fail to ask. But it is a question that we in our church are asking.

Our church is growing, but there is potential and responsibility for much more. Rhode Island is far from saturated with evangelical life!

Now, some growing churches make their aim the development of a great central church.   Others turn themselves into smaller and often struggling churches.

However, these are not the only alternatives. Prayerful thought is going into the matter of a possible outreach into the northern shepherding area. This would be on a voluntary basis, involving only those members who themselves share in the vision and feel so directed of God.

Probably _____ _____ would have leadership responsibility in such a move of expansion.

Such a new center of worship and evangelism would make the testimony of participating believers all the more effective in that they would be in their own local area.

Also being studied at present is the building needs of our main worship center. Sunday nights with its one service is getting rather people-full! Even prayer service now fills the main part of the santuary, so we know the numbers are not superficial. (And in our hearts we sense the Amen! )

Funds approaching $___ a week are being set aside under our new budget in a “Development Fund.” This will give us a head start 0n whatever the future holds.

Inviting _____ _____ to move into responsibilities left by _____ _____, is now being considered openly.

Underlying all is a plan of individual discipling.