Two would-be disciples took their first few steps toward the Lord Jesus Christ.

Turning, He asked, “What do you want?” John 1:38.

Deep in their hearts they sensed the power of God when they contacted Jesus.

When you reach Jesus, you touch God.

But here is the problem: I must know the REAL Jesus or all is lost. And there are many “false Christs” in people’s imaginations. The Jesus many hold in their m1nds, is not the One of Scripture and Lord of heaven.

It is somewhat like trying to find the one real, living person standing among rows of life-like wax figures. It might be difficult, but it can be done! One breathes and is warm with life. There is a real Jesus. Do you know Him personally?

I.  THE PREACHING of John the Baptist is what first pointed the two disciples to Jesus, verse 37. He gave his powerful witness to indicate that Chr1st is:
Light–He shows us God.
Lamb–He died to make us right with God.
Baptizer–The Anointed One (Christ) baptizes men in the Holy Spirit, verse 33. Do you know the fullness of the Holy

That is real preaching when it centers upon Jesus in this way. This inspired teaching brings faith to listen1ng hearts.  “God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe,” I Corinthians 1:21.

Never hide from preaching; it’s God’s method for pointing you to Jesus and salvation. Pray that the preacher may have the power of the Holy Spirit.

II.  PERSONAL EXPERIENCE further proved that the disciples’ early hopes in Jesus were leading to a new and wonderful life. In the first place, as Andrew and the disciple John timidly, hesitantly followed Jesus, they immediately found that He cared.  That’s good news!

Next the account in our text in John 1 proceeds to show Christ taking a very personal interest in the disciples. The statement, “God so loved the world,” means the world of men. God’s main interest is not in pushing stars around, He wants YOU.

Nathanael stands dumbfounded when he learns that Jesus already knows all about him even before they had met. “I saw you,” said Jesus simply. And, he sees you. In your home. At work. He sees. He hears you.

How real Jesus is! He is the same this very day.

But this simple and wonderful introduction to Jesus was not only for the disciples. That was only the beginning. Said Jesus, “Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man,” verse 51. This means they were to receive insights into His heavenly glory and power as King over all.

Anyone today who is walking with the REAL Jesus is growing — knowing, learning, deepening. There is always more beyond.   “Come…and you will see.”

Are you worshipping the real Jesus?