A man rushed with pounding heart from the fields where he had been walking. He had stumbled upon a hidden treasure. Everything he owned was sold immediately that he might possess that field. This is the way it is with one who discovers the kingdom, said Jesus.

Turn to our text, Philippians 3:8–11 , where Paul speaks of  “the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”

Does knowing the Savior top all else in your eyes? Young person, is knowing Jesus more than the acclaim of crowds at  the athletic field or popularity at school?  Would you rather have Jesus than great talents? Or, fame as a “star?” Or, have all eyes upon you as you roar off in a powerful car?

Man, would you rather truly know the Lord than to make a fortune and settle back in a well-furnished home? (Ah, do not many of our tensions international, national, domestic, personal come from covetousness? Read James 4:1-4).

Knowing Christ is so excellent a thing that Paul the Apostle threw aside his whole life-investment and reversed the very direction of his old life.

Exactly what does it mean to KNOW Christ in this way? It means more than mere factual knowledge. It means truly, really HAVING Christ — to win or gain Him, verse 8. Only the miracle work of the Holy Spirit in a yielded heart can produce this kind of experience.

Certainly, a Christian should prize above all else KNOWING CHRIST JESUS. It is not just a sad religious duty; it is the greatest of privileges and brings blessed gains to the believer.

Let us study these gains as Paul lays them out.


Verse 9 teaches that to have Christ and be found in Him is to have true righteousness from God. How are you found today? Are you in Christ or not? You either stand before God in your own name, your own character and deeds, or in Christ.

There are those who stand in line long hours to see a president or a king at a distance. But there are others who walk right into the White House or the palace; they are relatives. It is a glorious thing to be RELATED to God — to have standing in the court of heaven. This right standing comes through a hearty, personal faith in the Son of God as Savior. This righteousness never varies. We may waver in our realization but not in our relation.


Man has now developed rocket thrusts sufficient to probe outer space, but God has power to enter and conquer where man never overcomes in the valley of death.  Paul’s earnest desire was to “know him, and the power of his resurrection,” verse 10.

And, this mightiest of all power is available to us. Study carefully Ephesians 1:19-23. Then notice the first half of chapter 2 to discover how this very life-giving power is for the express purpose of lifting us to new life with Christ.


Deep down in the hearts of most Christians is a sincere longing to experience a heart-felt fellowship with Jesus. They want an intimate, daily walk with Him. However, do not be startled to find connected with “fellowship” the words “sufferings” and “death”! Verse 10.

A man eagerly joined friends to explore a cave. But it proves more than he bargained for: groping along the dark corridors of jagged rock, the clammy odor, the eerie sounds of the echoes and trickle of hidden springs, and above all, the uncertainty of what lies ahead in the inky blackness. Then suddenly light falls upon one of those silent majesties of God’s underworld, a great monarch of the ageless life below….and it is worth it all! Now, Christians sometimes feel that way as they look ahead. Each step of the way there is demanded more self-denial, death to desire, suffering. Then light falls upon new truth, great blessings, things hid away from the din and traffic of the outside world. Ah, those things which no eye has seen, those things which God has prepared for them that love him are only revealed to God’s children by the Spirit, I Corinthians 2:9,10.  See I Peter 4:1-4


“And so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead,” verse 11. This is not a “somehow” of doubt. Paul is emphasizing that assurance of everlasting life is worth any loss. O, what would you give in exchange for your soul! “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life,” I John 5:12.

Get a view of the dead — row upon row, until you picture ALL men of every generation sunk into the grave. One day you will join that host. Your friends will weep over you. YOU will be dead. What hope will you have? How silent will lie your life’s ambitions then! YOU are dead. Your body will turn back to dust, but your soul goes out to meet God Almighty.

Now picture the mighty trumpet blast….the cry of the Son of God….multitudes rising up from the graves…..generation upon generation. Some raised to eternal damnation, some to life eternal. What a difference it makes to know Christ Jesus as my Lord!

How can I see the glow of the world, when my eyes are dazzled by the surpassing glory of Christ! How can I yield to a secret work of darkness when all is alight now with His radiance! Clearly I can see sin in its ugly, ruining nature, and I choose Jesus! Friend, if you want true righteousness, power, fellowship, life, then place your faith in Jesus Christ. Commit your whole heart and life to Him.  Pray now!