Scripture helps us understand what a true Church is to be. We are told that a Church is like a human person. Each of us has members or parts and capacities.

In the same way, each Church is made up of members with God-given talents and capacities to carry out their “ministry”. Each of us must identify and develop our gifts.

Following are steps for doing that:

  1. Know what the Spiritual gifts are. You must know the difference between true Spiritual gifts and the carnal and Satanic counterfeits.
  2. Eliminate the improbable gifts. There are some gifts that you know you do not have.
  3. Discern what area of your ministry to the Body brings you greatest joy and satisfaction.
  4. Seek to discover why you enjoy these particular areas of involvement.
  5. If you had no restrictions and were free to get involved in any spiritual activity, what would you do?
  6. Narrow down the possible spiritual gifts to two or three and begin to give yourself wholly to one.
  7. Listen to other believers as to what they believe your gift is. Others often are able to discern what your gift might be, particularly those persons who have discovered their own motivation.
  8. Be sensitive to the direction of the Holy Spirit. He directs us as we move with the light He gives us.
  9. Get involved in a ministry to people and observe how God uses you. Remember that some serve an organization without really ministering to people. My ministries to the Body are:____________________________
  10. Seek to discover what particular ministries bring the greatest fruitfulness.