Kidnapping after kidnapping, tornadoes and calamities….

“This is awful!” we cry.

Remember, though, God is there. Things that appear to be against His will should be thought of as necessities when a holy God rules a world infected with sin.

God is in charge. He is entirely able to accomplish His purposes. He is ruler over all authorities.

It is clear then that God has determined to permit His commandments to be broken by the agency of man. In this sense, God does not approve or delight in everything He allows. For example, the rejection and murder of His Son, but what good He is bringing from it! Study Acts 2:23; 3:17, 18; 4:28.

Whatever happens is in some sense God’s will. To understand this, keep in mind two distinctions regarding the will of God:

1) His eternal purpose — accomplished either directly or else through the agency of man.

2) His commands — the laws and things which God orders and approves.

Notice that the first is always accomplished. However, the “will of God” in the second sense is often disobeyed. Again, the former is what WILL be and the latter is what SHOULD be.

How grateful we ought to be that God exercises His will in great wisdom, love, holiness, Ephesians 1:11. Thankfully, man has no veto power over the eternal will of God, Lamentations 3:37 and Romans 9 :19.

Yes, He is God Almighty. He is not a struggling deity. There are no impossibilities for God. God is absolute sovereign over all.

One of the most striking and dramatic demonstrations of God’s control of things is given in the book of Daniel, chapter 4. Though the proud, wicked King Nebuchadnezzar lived with the towering walls of Babylon which completely encircled the gorgeous capitol. Though his hanging gardens, magnificent palace and luxurious style of life gave him and his people a sense of security and pleasure, God could still change things.

So it was that the great king was smitten by a terrible mental plague and became as a pitiful, wild animal. Later, however, God healed him, opening his eyes to the truth of our message today. God is sovereign over all. Two major conclusions led Nebuchadnezzar to this insight. We will now look at these.


After praising God as ruler of an everlasting kingdom, the humbled king reveals the new insight he has received about God: “He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: ‘What have you done?’” 35. Yes, God sits in “undisturbed majesty” as king over all, Psalm 29:10.

In Nebuchadnezzar’s case, God first discloses His plan via a prophetic dream that he has. Daniel, in our text, comes before the king with the interpretation. The proud king is to suffer a peculiar mental attack which will leave him demented. This ailment will continue, says Daniel, “until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes,” 25.

The king had that very lesson burned forever into his memory!

Not many years later the fabled kingdom falls to Persia. Later in the line of conquests, Alexander the Great proposes to rebuild the decaying Babylon. He dies instead! Today it still lies in ruins as Scripture predicts. God is sovereign!

Think of all proud rulers who should have listened to Nebuchadnezzar’s testimony! Napoleon. Hitler. And, today some of the world’s greatest leaders have toppled.

Oh, that men would learn that the sovereign God performs His will perfectly, and one day He intends to show “God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords,” I Timothy 6: 15.

Friend, you cannot escape your dependency on God. You did not decide whether or not the world would exist, nor whether you would be born. Nor your race. Some will perhaps take pride in their personal decision to become a believing Christian. But remember the millions who never hear of Jesus. What have you that you did not receive from God?

Just as our will does not cancel God’s sovereign control of things, neither does His will cancel the realness of our will. Every man is, in a way, a king. We all have authority, responsibility, choice. We have wills, and we shall give account to God. That is why it is so important that we agree with what Nebuchadnezzar next concludes.


After another burst of glorious praise to the Lord, in verse 37, the king ends with: “And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.” If only he had listened to Daniel’s warning given before the rod of God fell upon him!

Read carefully that warning in verse 27, “Therefore, Your Majesty, be pleased to accept my advice: Renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be that then your prosperity will continue.”

Humble yourself, quit sin. That is the proper response of a man who is willing to let God be God. Are you?

Reactions to this truth of God’s sovereignty vary: Some feel threatened and grow angry and resentful, drawing back and in their hearts accusing God of cruelty. Others are careless and deceived: “Surely, God wouldn’t do this or that; I couldn’t believe in that kind of God!” But the greatest saints tremble and fall on their faces before God, Psalm 119:120. Yes “fear of the Lord is clean,” Psalm 19:9.

But nothing happened to King Nebuchadnezzar – not for 12 months. Then, one day as he walked in the palace proudly muttering to himself of his own might and fame, something snapped! He became insane and was driven out with the animals – as God had said. Season after season the pitiful condition continued. He became a long-nailed, hairy monster ambling about on all-fours.

See that animal. He was once king of the mightiest empire. God is sovereign! Again, see that animal, he shall once more be a great king. God is sovereign!


Friends, once you know the truth about our glorious God, you will agree that He is indeed in charge of all things.

Furthermore, once you see the loving mercy of God, you will be glad He is in control!

Your response to the great fact that God is sovereign over all shows whether or not you truly know the Lord.

Now, remember the hand that holds the scepter is nail-scarred.

Revelation 4:8-11. Philippians 2:10. Submit now to Jesus Christ.