It is impolite to yawn in God’s face.

If the truth were out, many would admit that they are bored with the thought of spiritual matters. They have only enough religion to make them quite miserable!

How true it is that a half-dose of religion is often worse than none.

But the Bible itself is an exciting book. More powerful than our greatest telescope, it peers into highest heaven. With thrust and endurance beyond that of any rocket, it rises to the very throne of God. Yet, few study it. Many critics and doubters do not even read that which they speak against.

It is awful to be bored with matters concerning our relation to Almighty God. Frequently I ask men, “Have you ever really thanked Jesus for what He did on the cross?” “No, I don’t recall doing so,” is the often heard reply! How could this be! So careless and thankless!

Indifference is impossible.

Let us take as a text for our study the simple, modest words of Jesus, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” (Luke 9:22) Thus, the final phase of Jesus’ life is here outlined in advance.  This is the text for our study now.

Surely, a study of these words should move any earnest person to a full commitment to Jesus.


Veiling His deity, the Lord Jesus Christ came “to undergo great sufferings” (NEB). Our authorized version indicates He was to “suffer many things.”

Every indignity was a blow at God Himself since the Son was ever and always divine, though in abject humiliation, John 1:1-18.

He suffered also in His human spirit. There was the anguish of self-denial, disappointment, loneliness — being forsaken by His own nation, family and even disciples, And what humiliation! At birth, His new-born body was wrapped in crude cloth and placed in straw, and it was finally exposed naked on a cross and then shrouded and laid in a borrowed tomb.

Still further, consider His physical anguish. The privation, the long hours of exhausting labor with the crowds. When they fainted, He fed them, called them to rest. But who helped Him?

With face still moist from the perspiration of agony in Gethsemane, Jesus received the traitor’s kiss from Judas. Soon over those same blessed cheeks….the spitting of the yelping mob. Then….blood. All this, and more, to pay for our sins.


Our text indicates that the leadership of His nation solidly rejected Him, just as John 1:11 solemnly declares. Even the crowds He served, taught, fed, and healed stood apart from Him. He was not merely misunderstood, He was refused.

This rejection meant pain for Him. It will one day mean pain for all those who refuse Him. He is the way, truth, the life. Apart from Jesus there is no way to God, no real truth, no life everlasting. “No one comes to the Father except through me,” He said, John 14:6.


Jesus was slain, killed, murdered. He did not simply die. He was put to death, cut down in the strength of early manhood. It was therefore the choice of others.

This fact, of course, in itself is not the Gospel. The “Good News” herein is that God was silent through it all. The Father refused to rescue and spare His Son. That is good news.

“Let’s see whether help from beyond will come to this Jesus,” cried the rabble. “Come down from the cross. God will save you, if you belong to Him.” They waited but nothing happened. He died.


There is just one explanation. God wanted it this way. He was pleased to put His Son to shame as an offering for our sin. Isaiah 53 explains how this satisfies the holy God. Surely, then, everyone who senses their sin should place their hand on that sacrifice and claim it personally. Our prayer must be, “Thank you, O God. Jesus, you are my Savior, my sacrifice for sin.”


God’s plan of infinite love is successful. Jesus arose from the death He died as our sin-bearer. But the disciples were shocked by it. They did not understand and believe the words of our text, Luke 9:22.

Prisoners have escaped from nearly every jail and prison, except one. None have ever escaped from the vast dungeon of death. But now the iron bars yield and the Son of God steps forth!

“For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him,” I Thessalonians 4:14.

This very same Jesus is set to return again to this very world that has constantly rejected and neglected Him. Those believers who have died and those still alive will welcome the day. Will you?

Now, do not just give assent to these teachings, give Him your personal love. Let it be known that you are a real believer. Tell God and tell others!