Death – ‘With Christ…….Far Better’


MY NAME IS BILLY BRADFORD. I was born because the Lord wanted to be friends with people. Like the other babies that July 19th in West Jersey Hospital, I soon learned to make noises whenever I was hungry.

Fifteen days later, Mother and Dad did with me, the same thing that was done to the Baby Jesus — “present him to the Lord” (Luke 2:22). That means, they thanked God for sending me into their family and promised to teach me about Jesus Chr1st so that some day I could come into His Father’s Family.

I could be found in the Mt. Ephraim Baptist Church most every Sunday morning and evening. First, I was left in the Cradle Room where ladies with smiling faces would try to get me to sleep. Sleeping in church is not really a good habit but it’s alright for babies, I guess.

Up to the Nursery Department of the Sunday School I went on my second birthday. Mrs. Diem taught me songs about Jesus and stories from the Bible. At four, I was promoted into the Kindergarten Group where my own grandmother, Mrs. Firth, taught me to memorize words from the Bible. I started Kindergarten Class at the Raymond W. Kershaw School when I was five.

The biggest day of my life was Sunday, November 17th, at the age of five, when Rev. Vernon Crouse, from Alaska, spoke to our Junior Church. Ten of us boys and girls opened our hearts to receive Jesus Christ.

While people think I am a very good boy, even almost perfect at times, God was not pleased with me. Like the Bible says, sin separates us. God knew there wouldn’t be a thing you or I could do to get rid of our sin, so He sent His Son, Jesus down to earth. Jesus didn’t have any sin, He died on the cross to take the punishment we deserve. I had heard the story lots of times in our Sunday School, but that morning all at once I saw that Jesus died for me, Billy Bradford. I thanked God for sending His Son to die in my place. That was the day I became saved, which is what the Bible calls it. Can you remember a time or place when you, personally, made this same all important decision?

The Bible says much about suffering. It comes to all kinds of people. God was about to entrust our family with it. First, my sister, Dottie Beth, then I, became so sick we had to go to the hospital.  Doctors and nurses, some of them with Jesus in their hearts just like me, did things that hurt us a great deal so that we could get better. People at Church and in the neighborhood, prayed, sent cards, visited, played games with us and did many kind things. The Lord too, did something real nice, in sending us a brother, Richard Paul to let us know how much He cared.

Last month I became sicker than ever before. I still went to a couple of the Audubon football games with my Dad and laughed at the Halloween greetings from my class. But it hurt so much that once in a while I could even see tears in the eyes of my Mother and Dad. Then, right in the middle of all our troubles, God sent another new baby brother, Daniel Russell. I smiled when I saw him. He was really little.

Late Saturday night, October 30, maybe I heard Jesus whisper, “Billy, instead of missing Sunday School again tomorrow, why don’t you come up to My Father’s House and get rid of that pain forever?” I knew Mother and Dad wouldn’t mind because some day we’ll all be together in Heaven. You see, they too, made that all important decision I was telling you about. Really, our family is not anything special with God for the Lord is no respecter of persons. Anyone may enter who is born again. To a very religious man Jesus said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). I was just five years old when I received God’s gift of Eternal Life.

As you have been reading, you may not have noticed someone standing right beside you helping you to know why my Mother and Dad have so much peace in their hearts. That one is Jesus! And He is saying, “Behold, I stand at the door (of your heart) and knock; if any man hear my voice, and OPEN THE DOOR, I will come in..” (Revelation 3:20). I invite you to make the same big decision that I made, right now!

The body you looked at in the casket was just the house I used to live in. I’ve gone to be with Jesus.

Don’t get me wrong! I’m still part of the Bradford Family. I’m the son who is IN HEAVEN!

(Memorial Testimony about a Primary boy in the Mt. Ephraim N.J. Baptist Sunday School. In the past three years two children in this family were operated upon with malignant tumors. The 5-year-old daughter has evidenced a miraculous recovery).