The entire human race is in a fallen, sinful condition.

A child may claim only the inheritance his father provides. Our father Adam was led into sin by Satan’s wiles. The cloud of guilt has settled over all men. Universally, men tend to sin, resisting whatever degree of light they may receive in their conscience, through creation or from revelation of Scripture. The very Son of God was once crucified, and He is still being neglected and rejected today (John 1:10,11; 3:18-20).

Sin is a broad subject. The term “sin” is used in three different ways in the bible.

(1) Sin as legal guilt. * Romans 3:9 and Galatians 3:22 state that we are all counted legally under guilt. The record reads “guilty.” The penalty is death. This death sentence is executed first in our character (inner defilement, carnality) and next in our bodies (ailments and aging leading to the grave).

(2) Sin as inner corruption, defilement (Romans 7: 17).

Just as this carnal nature comes as a punishment of guilt ( above), so our wrongdoings (below) come out of this inner condition of pollution.

(3) Sin as wrong actions: Omissions (James 4: 17) and commissions (1 John 3:4). These may be in word, thought or deed.

*Note: As you ask people to write out their definition of sin, they will usually have difficulty with sin as legal guilt. Ask them to think of another word to substitute in the two verses here for the word “sin.” Synonyms for sin are condemnation, judgment, damnation or guilt in the legal sense. (Romans 4:8 might get you “in gear.”)