A joyful, rich life depends on Jesus being really and personally present in our lives.

This is possible through the work of the Holy Spirit. You see, the Holy Spirit is God and He simply has moved into our scene to continue what Jesus began.

If you would study the wonders of the ministry planned now for the Spirit following Jesus’ departure back into heaven, then please get your Bible and study John chapters 14 through 16.

You will discover in actual experience and see it right in Scripture (John 14:17) that people of the world generally do not all recognize the Holy Spirit. They can’t. Most moles don’t know the sun shines. But just the same the Holy Spirit continues the ministry of Jesus Christ. Our Lord still lives and actually — through the Spirit — works today.


That is where the Spirit works — in the true Christian’s heart and life. Promised Jesus, “I will send Him to you.  See that in your text chapter, John 16, at verse 7.

It is almost shocking to hear Jesus say here that it is to our advantage to have Him leave the world, for then the Spirit would come. This means there are dimensions and depths to our life in the Spirit that were not opened to the disciples while Jesus lived with them. God is ever moving us onward — to greater things.

Now, verse 12 calls us up short. Many good blessings, says Jesus, are being missed by us because we simply are not in condition for God to trust them to us. Immediately, though, He adds that the Spirit will enter the scene and ready us for God’s best. See verse 13.

The Spirit will guide us into all truth. He will show us things to come. He will flash the light more clearly than ever on the face of Jesus. “He will glorify me” as Jesus put it in verse 14.

Perhaps you have been to one of the famed Newport mansions in Rhode Island. Now, the guides there remind me of the Spirit and His vital functions. It is the guide’s task to see that the lights are on for you and He leads you along the way. Next, he begins pointing out the wonders to you. His explanations and instruction helps you to understand more clearly.

It is indeed wonderful to have the author of the Scriptures as our personal guide and teacher!

Deep within many a heart there is a yearning for a real contact with God and the “beyond,” as some put it. Here is where the Holy Spirit’s presence is so important.

Some years ago I entered a 4-bed hospital ward. There lay three very quiet, solemn men. The fourth bed was empty. Death had come. As I sought to encourage them to hope in Jesus Christ, one spoke out, “But no one ever came back from the other side of death’s valley.” Directly and positively, I assured him that Jesus our Lord had done exactly that, being raised from the dead.

In addition to that, I see ever more clearly the importance of the Holy Spirit’s coming to us. We need Him to make Jesus real to us. And, the Holy Spirit counsels us as we study Scripture and pray until the very comforting presence of our God fills our hearts. He is the Holy Comforter.

God’s Spirit can make definite, personal contact with your spirit and grant you all the assurance you need (and much more!) concerning spiritual realities. But you must first surrender in repentance to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.


What of the vast world of men who know little or nothing of the Spirit of God? God’s own Spirit works there too. Again, see John 16, at verses 8 through 11.

Here is taught the Spirit’s special work of convincing men of their sins, making them know true righteousness and troubling them with coming judgment. Their own conscience might do this vaguely but God often disturbs careless sinners with a spiritual awakening. Before, they thought but little of their sins, now their evil doings loom large and black. Soon they are plunged toward despair. Happily, the Spirit of God helps them understand the good news about Jesus paying for all sin and then welcoming the sinner. As they come to believe, new joy dawns.

Wonderful it is when the long night is over and light comes. The Spirit of truth brings this to each repentant, believing heart.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved”…and receive the Spirit of God. Amen.