We all need to learn new truths. Also we need to hear the old truths made fresh and real. It is all too possible to get where we hear without hearing. Familiarity can be dangerous.

Turn to I Corinthians 15 and read the first few verses. Here is the Gospel message and “by this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you.” Do these glorious facts seem clear and alive to you? See I Corinthians 2:12.

Now, let us rehearse together our great text, which is the heart of the Gospel message: CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS, I Corinthians 15:3.

Here is God’s plan of reestablishing a right relation between God and man.  Let us fill our hearts by studying three features of this remarkable plan.


I think we can reverently say that this great fact of Christ dying for our sins moves God to forgive sinners. “When I see the blood I will pass over you,” God promised Israel in Exodus 12:13.  And, so it was that the death angel visited only those homes where there was not the mark of the atoning blood. Whether we understand it or not, this is God’s plan; see Leviticus 17:11.

In the great spiritual warfare with Satan, Revelation 12:11 pictures God’s hosts overcoming “by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” The devil cannot withstand the truth, CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS. His attacks and accusations are silenced. “Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died,” Romans 8:34.

Furthermore, here is a message powerful enough to halt thoughtless men and women who seem intent on continuing in their sins until they topple over the brink into hell itself. Let them hear it: CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS! Will they spurn this?

Or, perhaps there is someone who honestly wants to be right with God but sins seem too heavy. Let me ask you, what more is needed to make everything right? CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS!

If you are a Christian but filled with doubts and fears, let this burning truth lift your faith. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. Doubt not that God is for us, because CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS.

Finally, here is a Word that is strong enough to rebuke those of us who may be compromised with some evil. Remember, “you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies,” I Corinthians 6:20.


Imagine a wealthy young man falling in love with a poor, peasant girl. How she would treasure the ring given by her handsome lover! It is precious because of the great price he paid for it. It is precious because of the one it represents to her. It is precious because of the love it bespeaks — love strong enough to leap the social barriers.

Is not all this true in our God’s love for us? CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS. Read thankfully John 3:16 and Romans 5:8.

Now, for a moment let your mind picture the might, power and glory of the Son of God as He leads the glorious hosts of heaven. This Mighty Conqueror bowed in death for you.

See Him exalted in honor on His throne. Angels bow in awe at the overwhelming glory. This One….this One was He Who hung in shame, gory with blood, on the cross of Calvary.

“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold…but with the precious blood of Christ,” “Now to you who believe, this stone is precious.” I Peter 1:18,19; 2:7. This is God’s precious plan for making men right with Himself: CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS.


“Our sins,” our text says. CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS. My sins.  Your sins.

It is quite a stirring experience to have the eyes opened to this fact: It was not just “those cruel men” who crucified Jesus. But I caused His death! It was for MY sins He died. God knew YOUR sins when He gave His Son as a sacrifice.

Now notice the word SINS in our text is plural. It was not only for our sinful condition He died, but it was for the very individual acts and neglects — CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS. My friend, may I ask you, can you go on in your sins when you see that these very foul, bitter words, those very deeds and habits, that very hardened, neglect of God is that for which He died?

May I beg each one to think long and deeply upon the truth, CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS? Come in repentance to our God of grace and mercy. You can be certain of forgiveness and peace for it is wondrously true, CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS.