Christians, are you ready to meet your Lord now – just as you are?
Study John 7:37-39. Are you a true source of life-blessing to others? Your husband or wife? Parents or children? Here in the Bible we are told that if we come in thirst to Jesus, He can so work within us that we become a supply for others. Quite a change!
That is exactly what happened to Jacob. His very name means to supplant, or replace another. True to his name, he tricked Esau out of his inheritance. Only God could turn the Supplanter into a Supplier of blessing.
After running for his very life from his angry brother, Jacob spends long years in a sort of exile. Our text Genesis 32 pictures him at last returning home — in great fear.
“He is coming to meet you, and four hundred men are with him!” gasp his awed messengers, verse 6. Then Jacob was “in great fear and distress,” verse 7. Those 1600 pounding hoofs are bringing the old past home to him.
He does the only thing he can do — pray, verses 9-12. Earlier in his life God simply could not get through to him. From his prayer now, however, it is apparent that all the rebuffs have stimulated spiritual growth and new insights. See especially verse 10.
Worse than facing what he has done, Jacob is about to face what he is. This is the real spiritual showdown toward which God moves each of His children. Let us now spread out for study the phases of Jacob’s soul crisis. It ought to stir us to new consecration.
Separating from all his family and all his possessions, he stands alone before God. For added instruction God assumes a human form and enters into an actual wrestling with Jacob. The contest at first probably represents our usual struggle with (or, even against!) God. In many ways today there is a subtle neglect of God. For instance, shutting out His speaking voice by keeping the Bible closed day after day. Refusing to talk with Him in prayer.
Others are kicking against providential dealings. “Why am I so tried?” This “Why” comes from clenched teeth.
Beware of keeping God at a distance. He wants to touch what YOU really are — at the very heart. See this in what follows.
Finally, the Heavenly Wrestler gives Jacob’s leg a mighty twist and it is permanently damaged. He is so hurt that he will forever after limp. Here is a lesson for us all. The flesh (sinful, selfish part of us) must die. It requires a thorn to pierce it.
This might come as the gradual wounding of advancing age, a sickness, personal problems. Actual spiritual failure is about the only thing that ever rocks the pride of some. And, so after the wounding, comes the fall!
Now, at first it possibly seems that God is fighting against you. In reality, it is God who sustains us. It is all His doings. He it was who led Jacob into this showdown struggle.
With your own particular situation in mind, read Romans 8:28 and Philippians 1:6, and Hebrews 12:5 and following verses. Woe be to us if we be without chastening!
However, mark this well: a loving Father does not desire that the rod be the main instrument of teaching. That is what the Bible is for. Study John 15:2,3 where the words of cleansing, pruning or cutting the vine (same original word) shows that Jesus desires to trim our rough edges morning by morning as we meet God to prepare for each day of service. Why be forced by the 400 horsemen from our past neglect to fall wounded before God?
The Angel of the Lord orders, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” Exhausted and injured, Jacob yet holds on, for this is the dreaded dawn — the day he is to face Esau. He must have God’s full blessing in his life.
“I will not let you go unless you bless me,” he cries, verse 26. Here is where this helpless, hanger-on wins and so many of us lose. Be sure to expect the crucial waiting period between the first wounding and the coming of the delayed blessing. Wait on the Lord. Keep believing.
And so it is that Omnipotence is unable to resist importunity! The cripple is about to be conqueror.
First, however, he must face the burning question of verse 27. What is your name? Perhaps for the first time it pierced through to his heart:
“I am Jacob, the self-centered Supplanter.” Who really are you, my friend?
Well do I remember when it first came home to me what I really was in my very heart. That is the true spiritual crisis, the moment of showdown when God has His great opportunity with us. It all has to be brought out to the light and changed. Listen further to our text.
“Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.” God’s higher blessings for His deeper saints are not material things, but they involve a touching of the sore spot and changing what we ARE. What is your name?
Truly, it requires life-changing surgery to change Mr. Covetousness and Mrs. Materialism to Spiritualmindedness! Or, Sir Hot-temper to Gentleness. God must work very deeply with those who are intemperate in work or habits. Miss Vain Glory also is very evasive, hiding her name.
Limping Jacob is alone again. How refreshing does the morning sun feel. What a change. Once he had dreaded the dawn of this day. When we are right with God we love the light. Study John 3:19-21 and I John 1:6-9.
Next, we see Jacob reunited with Esau, 33:4. Then, Jacob insisting on GIVING to Esau, verse 11. The Supplanter now a Supplier! The dried-up, grasping soul is now a fount of blessing.
So it is with us. Jesus Christ is not content simply to keep forgiving our sins as we continue to express our sinful self. If He loves us, He will bring the showdown. Why not right now bow in prayer and go over your life with God? Read Psalm 139:23, 24. Jesus’ blood was shed for your sins. Ask for forgiveness, I John 1:7-9.
Finally, claim the filling of the Spirit from the hand of our Savior. Read again John 7:37 with Acts 2:32, 33.