Mankind will never be completely destroyed by war.

Millions will be destroyed if there is an nuclear war. However, the Bible makes it plain that there will never come a universal destruction of the human race.

Our text (turn in your Bible to I CORINTHIANS 15:51-58) says simply that “we will not all sleep,” or die. In other words, though there might be horrible wars and catastrophes, there will be a generation of mankind on earth when Jesus returns.

Few subjects make the Christian more alert than the study of the end of time. History and all human activity appears meaningless without looking at the ultimate goal of all goals. Our destiny is to face God Almighty.

Let us take a glance at the events scheduled for our Lord’s return. I Corinthians 15 reveals them.


Throughout the ages men have used the trumpet blast to signal the beginning or the triumph of races and wars. The predicted return of our King from heaven Jesus Christ will be fittingly announced, verse 52. “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first,” (I Thessalonians 4:16).

This awesome trumpet call will mean the Christian is to give answer to the Lord of the servants. To others, it will mean a terrible thing — the end of mercy. God’s kind invitation to sinners today is “come unto me,” but then it will be: “depart from me.”


Interesting enough, the Scriptures are careful to make it clear that the dead will be first raised into a new life — even before the transformation of the living believers. Compare verse 52 with I Thessalonians 4:15, noticing the word “precede” or “go ahead of.”

What a moment! The millions who have lived and died earnestly trusting in Jesus Christ, ar1s1ng from land and sea to meet their Redeemer!

Our text says they shall then be incorruptible or imperishable — never to sicken or die again.  Be sure to notice the important place given to Christ’s resurrection in I Corinthians 15.  Because He lives, we may be sure of living with Him.


Next in order will follow in a split second, the radical change in nature of every true Christian alive on the earth at that time. Study verses 42-44. Instead of corruption,  dishonor, weakness of the natural body there will be incorruption, glory, power of the spiritual body.

Yes, “we shall be changed!” Bent backs straightened. Burdened hearts lightened. Stained, strained minds released.


All God has promised is to be fulfilled. The Lord ages ago told Adam that he was to die for his sin but that final victory would come. So the hand or death has continued to rake down every man from palace to shanty alike. Death cries, “Look at the slain I have taken — all men of every generation. None can escape. I shall take you!”

“Yes,” I reply, “if the Lord does not return in my lifetime, I too must bow beneath your stroke, but one day….ah, one day!”  THE LAST ENEMY WILL BE GONE! Death will be over for the Christian when Jesus comes again.

What is now remaining? Only the trumpet! Even now the angel perhaps reaches for it. “Prepare to meet your God!”