Strangely enough, one of the significant statements made about Jesus fell from the jeering lips of his enemies.

Three words. Three words that stand as a monument to Christ’s Victory.

It happened while Jesus was hanging there on the cross. Our text, Mark 15 says in verse 29 and following “…. those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying….come down from the cross and save yourself.” Next we are told that the chief priests and scribes were mocking among themselves, “He saved others; himself he cannot save.”

How remarkable those three words in verse 31, “He saved others.”

They could not deny the fact that “He saved others” but they could not understand why He lifted not a finger for Himself. The whole life of Jesus Christ was a sacrifice for others. And, even his enemies came to the brow of Calvary to make confession of it.

As they stood near those bleeding feet and gloated, “He saved others,” they spoke words, which by the grace of God, are of help to you and me.

“He saved others.” Think on these words. Let us now see how they offer us instruction, encouragement, and challenge.

First, a word of INSTRUCTION.

Examine carefully the saying of those standing at the cross. “He saved others; himself he cannot save.” See how near the truth they come! If he would save others, Himself he could not save. He gave Himself for us.

Who are these others He would save?  Literally, the whole human race is under the curse of infinite guilt. We have all sinned sinned against God.

Eternal destruction spiritual death forever is the penalty.

But God has a way of salvation…..

Long before Calvary God had revealed the secret of His planned atonement.

Leviticus 17:11 reads: “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” The innocent was to be sacrificed for the guilty.

Now, there was only one who could pay the price.

There was no other good enough
To pay the price of sin;
He only could unlock the gate
Of heaven and let us in.

His life was for us. His death was for us. All a sacrifice for us. And the Father in heaven is satisfied therewith.

You must believe, friends, that this is the only way. He could not save Himself, if you are to be spared wrath. It seems that the very enemies of Christ knew that our Lord’s great life of surrender was for the salvation of others. Have you believed that?

Listen to those words, “He saves….” Has He saved you? Receive Him now into your heart and life.

Secondly, a word of ENCOURAGEMENT.

Whenever I read these words spoken in a sneer by evil men, “He saved others,” it seems as though the Sun of Righteousness. was shining so brightly that even the darkest places were set ablaze. His rays of truth pierced through the thick-sooted windows of these men’s minds. Though they could not understand why he could not spare Himself, they knew this much: “He saved others.”

Stay a moment. Here is a tree of truth laden with the sweetest of fruit. “He saved others.” Why, the only way He ever lived was for others. And, who are these others?

Praise God, you and I are these others!

We sing, “This Is My Father’s World.” Everything is in His care. If He cares for the fall of a sparrow, I know He cares for the fall of man. “He cares for you” (I Peter 5:7)

I am glad our text is a part of God’s Word! It is a veritable love letter be-spattered with tears of earnestness and written in the blood of sacrifice. He is a savior of men. A lover of others of you and me.

Let me give you one of my favorite verses of the Bible. Romans 8:32, “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” Do you see it? God has already given such a great gift as the life of His Son, thus He will certainly meet our lesser needs. If God poured out the blood of His Son on the altar, He will not hold back the droppings of mercy necessary for our daily needs.

I encourage you who are distraught, defeated, over-burdened: take your problem whatever it is to the place called Golgotha. Lay it out there at the feet of those other murmurers. Hear them say, “He saved others; himself he cannot save.” Now, lift up your eyes toward the cross. Honestly, can you doubt God’s love? Not for a moment! The greatest is given; the lesser will surely come as promised.

I firmly believe that He who sought for lost souls cares for the child who has lost his toy. The hand of the Almighty that dries the penitent’s tear, both reaches to help the boy who has stubbed his toe and soothes the brow of the saint struggling in the valley of death.

What a heart of love God has! It has borne the cares of the millions. All for others. “He saved others.” He will do it for you.

Finally, then, a word of CHALLENGE.

Please keep in mind that the three words of our text were spoken about our Lord’s life. That is, they were saying, “All His life He has given to the rescuing of others, and now look at Him!”

For a moment step out into full view of this beautiful, expanding plain of thought. What a happy, victorious life is the outgoing life! “He saved others.” Most of our worrying and fretting comes because “I am trying to save me and mine” with no time for others.

It is a real revolution of heart and life when the Spirit of God fills us with thoughts and deeds of God. But wait a moment. If you want to do something for God in heaven, you have to do it for somebody on earth. Said Jesus, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me,” (Matthew 25:40).

In most of our homes we have much too much arguing. What a sweet silence and unity would come about if each one in your home truly WANTED the chance to sacrifice — one toward the other.

Can you picture the boy saying, “Sis, go on out, I’d like to do something for you, let me clean it up….” What a revival!

Take an hour alone with God and talk this over. Here is the day by day secret of peace of heart and mind. There is no shortage of opportunities to give and take for others. Jesus promises in John 7:37, that if we come to Him, He will not only satisfy our thirst but that from our innermost being “shall flow rivers of living water.”  Think on that. The full and satisfying life in the Holy Spirit turns outward to others. Yea, it becomes a poured-out, living sacrifice before God and for men.

Here was Jesus’ secret. He spared not Himself. “He saved others.” Like the anxious husband puts away all thoughts of sleep and other duties to stand by his critically ill wife, so the Son of God “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many,” (Matthew 20:28). He spent Himself at the side of dying mankind.

And, we are called on to live as He lived.

There is too much easy talk about following Jesus. I tell you no man can even begin without a brand new nature. Jesus has to save you before He can send you.

There is just one word to describe the Christ-life: OTHERS!

Go back to the rough-hewn manger and ask, “Lord, why are YOU, the Prince of Glory, here? Hear the angels of heaven sing the answer, “It was for others — for the men of good will, that they might know peace.”

Later in life, after the long hard day among the throngs, the shadows of evening find Him still outside. There is no room even to enter the house. No time to eat. The great crowd needs healing and help. Over the Judean hills the shepherds have their sheep settled for the night. It is time for rest. But this Shepherd sees men straying as sheep. There is no sleep for Him. They beg Him to eat. He refuses saying, “I must work.”

Now, visit the mountain side in the black of night or in the pre-dawn dark, and the Scripture says you will find Him there praying.  Alone. The cold dew of heaven mingles with His hot tears of anguish over men.

Then, at last He is nailed to the cross. Writhing in pain, His lips move in prayer. Prayer for what? Listen! “Father forgive them.” There at the cross ask even His enemies concerning this One , They will say, “Others! Others He saved!”

Are you really a follower of this Christ? “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps,” (I Peter 2:21).

Young person, before you glibly say, “I’ll be a Christian” — remember: “you….follow his steps.” Those steps go straight to the cross. “He saved others; himself he cannot save.” He that would save his life will lose it, Jesus warned.

Now, are you willing to endure any inconvenience, any loss for Jesus? Will your pride, ambitions, lusts be surrendered at your cross? Yes. Hear Him: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me,” (Luke 9:23). This one decision should answer all the other questions such as: What part shall I give of my money and my time? What share shall I have in missionary service? What recreation and entertainment is best for me?

It all boils down to one truth. I must be crucified with Christ!

Surrender your life to Him in earnest prayer.

Lord, help me live from day to day
In such a self-forgetful way
That even when I kneel to pray
My prayer shall be for — Others.

Help me in all the work I do
To ever be sincere and true
And know that all I’d do for you
Must needs be done for — Others.