Jesus retreats with His disciples to the city of Caesarea Philippi, located south of great Mt. Hermon, for a season of confidential and important teaching. (Mark 8:27) It is here that Jesus makes His first very plain prediction of His coming humiliation, death and resurrection. (verse 31) Peter shows that he is more in tune with popular beliefs of the day about the Messiah’s expected political power and immediate reign, and he reproves Jesus. (verse 32) To the Lord, this attitude is Satanic and He rebukes the enemy accordingly. (verse 33) Now Jesus must confront the entire crowd with the warning that His disciples must indeed suffer if they would share his honor. (verses 34-38) Because these teachings would seem almost unbelievable and no doubt discouraging to any Jew of this period, the Transfiguration, which follows in chapter 9, probably is given to help with this very need.
Just as the religious culture of Jesus’ day made it difficult for His followers to expect suffering, so the secular culture of our day has the same difficulty but for a different reason. In modern America we like ease and a religion that is free and without the price of any pain or persecution. Suffering is still an offense. We are glad that Evangelical Christianity is more favored, yet there is the uneasy feeling that we would be quickly discouraged in event of a change in the popularity poll. Jesus’ words still stand that the cross is the cost of faithfully following Him. True believers see enough difficulties to make them appreciate the great Transfiguration scene.
The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ is an event which offers much encouragement.
Jesus as a man was comforted and strengthened by three events on the Mount of Transfiguration. First, the term describing our Lord’s glorious experience is from the compound Greek term metamorphoo. (verse 9: 2) The preposition joined to the verb root indicates a contrasting change in Jesus’ form from humiliation to glory. Secondly, Jesus must have been greatly uplifted in His conversation with Elijah and Moses. (verse 4) These two had known glorious departures from this life and returned to speak with Him of His own “exodus.” See Luke 9: 31. Thirdly, Jesus “He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory.” (2 Peter 1:17) The first occurrence of such a voice from heaven was at Jesus’ baptism. One other time it will occur and that is to be in Judea shortly before His crucifixion.
The two heavenly visitors, Elijah and Moses, returned to their bliss, but as for Jesus, ahead was the pathway of suffering. Even his own disciples despite the glory witnessed on the Mount would again become enshrouded in the dark stupor of troubling doubts regarding the way of suffering. Soon it would be the gentle slopes of the Mount of Olives where the same chosen three would sleep with heavy hearts and fail to watch with their Lord in His moments of agony. As for Jesus, Scripture makes it clear that He was well sustained by “the joy set before Him.” (Hebrews 12:2)
Moses himself had during a dark period cried out to God for a view of divine glory. (Exodus 33:18) Now the disciples share the same, even though they do not yet sense the same desperate need. However, what Jesus had warned them of in Caesarea Philippi, in the way of the cost of discipleship, must surely come to pass. Opposition and hurt experienced by Moses and Elijah will be their lot also.
With typical enthusiasm Peter liked very much the heavenly happenings there on the Mount. He did not want the glory to fade. Not knowing what to say, he blurts out his suggestion to build shelters for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. (verse 5) As A. B. Bruce suggests, Peter was of the mind to bid farewell to the earth and the cross and welcome heaven and the crown!
Peter had yet much to learn of suffering before he could possibly face the martyrdom which God planned for him. All the disciples were finding Jesus’ prediction of His own death and of their future lot of suffering as very unwelcome teaching. Later on when they were strengthened by the Holy Spirit and seasoned by sufferings, it is likely that this vision on the Mount greatly strengthened them. Writing as an old man in his last letter, Peter refers in the opening chapter with great relish to this particular experience. (2 Peter 1:16-18)
This view of heavenly joy must not bring impulsive, false hope into our thinking. We are not promised escape from troubles. Rather, we are prepared for tribulation. Nonetheless, we feel with Peter “it is good for us to be here.” (verse 5) It is imperative that we respond to the Father’s voice when He orders, “Listen to Him!” (verse 7) Our attention must be trained upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
The fact stands that “every one who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12) Each faithful Christian today will suffer his share of afflictions and rebuffs from the world. Besides this, he must ever be watchful to deprive himself of evil desires and thus by choice accept crucifixion of the flesh. Often he will need the elevating view of the Mount of Transfiguration with all its lessons of encouragement.
“The vision of the holy mount is a gracious pledge that glorious things are in store for the people of God.” (J. C . Ryle) However, just as the three privileged disciples again descended into the valley with their Lord, so that is ever our lot today. Though we are privileged to “have the first fruit; of the Spirit,” yet we often “groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship.” (Rom. 8:23)
Looking again at the transfiguration of Jesus Christ, our eager hope is quickened when we read in I Corinthians 15:49 “and just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.” In our present stresses we should be much uplifted by the thought of Jesus returning in glory and our sharing with Him in that splendor. (Colossians 3:4) Indeed, “We shall be like Him.” (I John 3:2) If the brief view of Jesus on the Mount and of two saints returned from glory is of such encouragement, what will it be like when we have Him forever along with the throng of heavenly companions from all the ages!