November 28, 2015 ()

Bible Text: Leviticus 1:1 |


The devil does not like the book of Leviticus. Christians, however, ought to appreciate it. Solid, rich truths pointing to Jesus Christ shine throughout the writing.

The opening words arrest our attention: "The Lord called to Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting." (1:1)  Here we are plainly taught that what follows is indeed the very word of God.  Furthermore, Moses is said to be the human author.  This same expression, or one like it, occurs some 45 times in the book.

Our Lord Jesus Christ frequently referred to "the law of Moses" (the first five books of Scripture, including Leviticus) and to Leviticus in particular as the inspired word of God.

A sense of reverence should be ours as we turn its pages.  Even the setting for the book is one of great import.  Here at Mt. Sinai God is organizing a special kingdom for Himself.  Centuries ago, He had led out faithful Abraham from the world's cultural center, Babylon.  The time has now come for the Lord God to establish His own people.

At once we are struck with the fact that with Israel first things are to be first.  Leviticus opens with instructions for making a blood offering to the Lord.  Indeed, the theme of the book is HOLINESS TO JEHOVAH.  If we let God have His way with us, He will always bring us first to a right relationship with him, then secondly to settle things on the horizontal plane.

Now, let us turn to a study of the text.  We shall see that the burnt offering teaches basic truths about Christ's atonement.


Surely, this truth stands out. When a man who has sinned selects the animal for offering before God, it must be "a male without blemish." (1:3) Thus, Peter writes that we are purchased from our sins "with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb with out blemish or defect." (I Peter 1:19)

As you watch the young animal being brought to the altar where it will die as a substitute for the sinful man, you are seeing a picture of Jesus Christ. Remember, when John the Baptist introduced our Lord to men, he did not say, "Here is the King and the Prophet." He rather said, "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:29)

Notice also that the sacrificial victim must be from their own herd, flock or, as in the case of the very poor, domesticated fowls. No carnivorous beast would do. To picture our Savior, it must not be a wild or killing animal, but rather one that yields its life as meat to others.

May I ask you, what do you bring before God as your offering for sin? You have sinned. How will you get rid of that sin before God? No unbloody sacrifice will do. "Without shedding of blood is no remission." (Hebrews 9:22) Only when you claim the death of Christ on the cross for your sins can you know anything of forgiveness. Leviticus teaches this.


No more half-way Christianity will do. No relying on a good name or on your parents, wife or husband. You are commanded to appear with your sin-offering "at the door of
the tabernacle of the congregation before the Lord." This means a definite taking of our Lamb before God and man.

Now, see how definite this is to be made. The instructions in verse 4 read, "you are to lay your hand on the head of the burnt offering." Here is a solemn act whereby the man in need signifies that he transfers his sin-guilt to the innocent Substitute. This offering then is not a mere payment of a fine to make up with God. Nor, is it a "sacrifice" in the sense of giving something of value over to God. No! Here is that special moment when a man who has sinned must come before God and stand there with hand on the sacrifice and confess his sin.

How many are those who have never faced their sin! I recall as a boy the shock of hearing a man who taught in our Sunday School and acted the part as a Christian leader, pouring out filthy talk in the courthouse among a group of politicians. That man may have thought himself a Christian, but apparently he had never broken with sin and laid it on Jesus, God's Lamb.

An interesting Hebrew verb is used in the phrase, "you are to lay your hand on the head of the burnt offering." It means "to lean heavily upon." See that anxious, troubled man pressing mightily upon the victim's head, so must I rely entirely upon Jesus Christ. I lean on the bloody, pierced One who died for me.

Have you come to that all-important moment of transaction? Reach out the hand of faith. Tell God in heaven that you now accept Jesus Christ's death on Calvary as your perfect, once-for-all sin offering.

Your heart will then overflow with relief and release as you hear the next words: "And is shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him." This is God's plan, and it is satisfactory to Him. From the beginning, He knew that one day His Son would die as the perfect sacrifice. Leviticus merely prepared for Christ's coming.

The word "atonement" means simply "a covering." God accepts the bloody death of the animal as a covering for sin. Nothing else hides wrong from God's eyes. Not even the fires of hell purify sin, though they burn forever. Only this blood offering will do it.

Immediately, upon the transfer of sin over to the innocent animal, that victim must face the sinner's punishment. A knife is plunged into his heart! "The wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23)

See the hand that does the deed. It is that same sinful man himse1f! God requires it of him. Why? It is the sinner himself who slays the Savior. In other words, our sins truly cause His death. As one has said, there are only two kinds of men at Calvary. The Crucified and those who crucify. One receives the stabbing wounds, all others wield the knife. All of us are involved in the death of Jesus, and thereby we are either cleansed or condemned.


Just now, I see the sinner step back and wait. His part is done. He can only provide the sin and death to the victim. Nothing more.

In beautiful, clean dress the white-robed priest appears. He alone "shall bring the blood, and sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar." Study the picture. Yonder stands the sinful man, helpless but trusting God's arrangement. Here lies the victim in quiet death. Before God stands the mediating priest sprinkling, sprinkling the blood.

This is the sacred picture of Jesus Christ now gone into heaven to appear before the Father for us. As our priest, He presents His own blood and that will surely gain forgiveness for every repentant sinner. Claim it as your very own. Study Leviticus 17:11 and Romans 8:34.


The unique thing about the burnt offering is that it is entirely consumed on the altar as "a burnt offering, an aroma pleasing to the Lord." (verse 9) This accords with Ephesians 5:2 which says "Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."

Yes, as the flame and smoke lift the whole offering heavenward, it is "a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." How can it be -- when it means the death of His Son? Because that is how much God loves you and me. Furthermore, God's offended justice is now able to be at peace with us guilty offenders. How precious is this offered life, body and blood -- all given, wholly for us, as one great and perfect whole burnt offering!